Offers / Services
Products we use / support
The "Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment" (short: DUNE, just like the movie) is a modular software toolbox for the parallel solution of partial differential equations (PDE). It is the core the core tool that we use for our services. With its modularity it allows us or our customers to create efficient custom simulation code without wasting time or money. Learn more about DUNE.
The "Open Porous Media Initiative" (OPM) coordinates collaborative software development, maintains and distributes open-source software and open data sets for CO2 sequestration and improved and enhanced oil recovery. Among other things it contains a parallel block oil simulator tested on real oil fields. More information can be found on OPM's homepage

Consulting / Support
We understand that it is important for open source users to have a reliable point of contact for any questions and problems with the software. We are proud to have saved our customers valuable time and money with our scientific consultancy and support. As active core developers we are able to instantly analyse your problem or task and offer you an adequate solution or answer faster than others.
Software Development
With its modularity DUNE is predestined as a toolbox for building your bespoke parallel simulation software. There already is a great of modules to choose from. Simply choose the right ones, implement modules that are still missing and use tailor made code to glue everything together. Given the necessary expertise everybody is able to produce an optimal custom simulation software thanks to our open source building blocks.
We are proud to have helped our customers and users to optimize their simulation processes since 2011. If you need to concentrate your expertise on things apart from software development or lack valuable time, and/or resources, then we are more than happy to implement the software for you.
We know that getting started with a new tool or software on your own might take considerable time. Often the learning curve seems steeper than it has to be. We are here to help you get started faster with (tailored) training courses on your premises or in Heidelberg. In small groups you get the care you need to get started faster. Using us saves travel expenses, man power and time.